In 2023, Mercuria began a collaboration with Sanda, an upper secondary school located in Jönköping, Sweden. Sanda is known for its sports-oriented curriculum, where young adults aiming for elite sports careers have the opportunity to focus on both high school and vocational studies. Teachers from Sanda have visited Mercuria a couple of times, and we have also visited Sweden last year to get acquainted with the daily life at the school.
The collaboration is set to expand during this year, with 10 dual-degree students from our school visiting both Sanda Jönköping and the city of Gothenburg. During the trip, the students aim to strengthen their oral language skills and receive preparation for the upcoming matriculation exams. Another study trip will be organized later on this school year. Ten students from Mercuria and fifteen from Sanda travel together to Brussels. The group is intended to gain a broad understanding of the functioning of the European Union, and the itinerary includes visits to the European Parliament and the European Commission.